Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to Empower Women

Women empowerment has been a popular topic recently, as more women continue to speak up and demand equality in all areas of life. It’s no secret, that women all over the world face injustices and gender discrimination. It’s a universal issue, that requires everyone’s support to create great change.

 Empowering women consists of supporting women in fully claiming their rights, owning their power, and ensuring equality by all means. Most men are clueless as to how to properly help and some women forget how important it is to practice uplifting other women. Either way, women deserve more which, is why we’ve rounded up a couple ways of how you can contribute.

 How can you help empower women?
  1. Do not be an innocent bystander instead, be an ally and speak up for women. Your voice is powerful, remaining silent will only reward unjust practices directed at women. Speaking up in support of them can produce a chain reaction and most importantly inspire real change. 
  1.  Be a mentor and advocate for equal rights and provide guidance for them to master their skills. This kind of support will help build trust as well as encourage women to realize their full potential and dreams.
  1. Create an accepting atmosphere to help women feel welcomed and safe. Such space will allow women to freely express themselves and make decisions. This will help combat against the custom of always listening and following the lead of male colleagues.
  1. Celebrate and cheer them on during their wins and accomplishments. This will help women regain their confidence, feel acknowledged, and valued for their efforts. Women are often denied opportunities and uncredited in the workplace so, for some it a huge deal. Don’t let their achievement go unnoticed!
  1. Listen and pay attention to what they have to say. Every woman is different so practicing good communication skills will assist you in understanding the best approach that will effectively help empower her.

Women empowerment is imperative to breaking the cycle and inspiring change for the generations to come. The restrictions and limitations enforced on women had significant effects on them as a population. Thus, the empowerment of women is the key to rebuild.

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